State Programme Management & Support Unit, Bliss Haven, 1st Floor T.C - 82/1827



Yoga is a holistic practice that originated in ancient India. It encompasses physical postures, breathing exercises, meditation, and ethical principles to promote overall well-being and balance in the body, mind, and spirit.The word "yoga" comes from the Sanskrit root "yuj," which means to join or unite. It aims to unite and harmonize the body, mind, and breath through various practices and techniques. While yoga has spiritual roots, it is also practiced for its physical and mental health benefits in modern times.

Yoga postures, known as asanas, are a fundamental aspect of the practice. These postures are designed to strengthen and stretch the body, improve flexibility, balance, and posture, as well as promote relaxation and stress relief. There are numerous yoga asanas, ranging from gentle and restorative poses to more dynamic and challenging ones.


In addition to asanas, yoga incorporates breathing exercises called pranayama, which involve controlling and directing the breath. Pranayama techniques help to regulate and deepen the breath, increase energy levels, calm the mind, and enhance mental clarity.

Meditation is another integral component of yoga. It involves focusing the mind and cultivating a state of deep relaxation and heightened awareness. Meditation techniques can vary, but they often involve focusing on a particular object, sound, or breath to calm the mind and achieve a state of inner stillness. Yoga also promotes ethical principles known as the Yamas and Niyamas. These guidelines encompass moral and ethical values such as non-violence, truthfulness, contentment, self-discipline, and self-reflection.
